Ukulele Song Circle
with Jim Wilder
Class Description
Join us to play ukulele and sing songs in our song circle. Open to all levels! We’ll continue our exploration of a wide variety of genres and levels of play. This group has a facilitator and song book but no formal ukulele instruction (we will learn a bit of music fundamentals and explore strumming rhythms as we learn new songs). As a member of the class, you have the chance to be part of the LLC house band, R.A.S.C.U.L.L.—Ridiculously Attractive Song Circlin’ Ukulele Lifetime Learners! Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 In Person: 1J Class Limit: 30
Available spots
Class Schedule
Cancellation Policy
Class fees will be refunded 100% if an instructor cancels class or a student drops before the end of the first week of classes. Registration fees are non-refundable
Contact Details
3841 NE 123rd St, Seattle, WA, USA