Lifetime Learning Center (LLC) has been in operation since 1976 serving older adults with educational opportunities, personal growth, laughter, happiness, socialization, tea, coffee, cookies and “no exams.” Over 40 retired teachers and community experts volunteer their time to provide a remarkable array of classes focused on arts, music, history, literature, writing, philosophy, film, science and much more. LLC also offers talks and other events available to the public and free of charge.
Many senior service centers and retirement homes offer periodic lectures and classes for their populations. Plus older adults can sign up for courses at the University of Washington and local community colleges. However, LLC is unique in that we offer multiple eight-week long classes, three quarters a year, specifically designed for our target population of intellectually active seniors and retirees, at minimum cost. Our volunteer teachers are part of the LLC community. They know the students and sometimes are students themselves. A final distinction from other continuing education programs is how participatory our classes are. Many are discussion courses where students actively engage in the discourse or sometimes act as guest lecturers.
The benefits of LLC are evident to all who attend. Whether it is learning a new language, or discussing political issues, LLC is a community of students who are inquisitive and engaged in learning new things. The volunteer instructors are passionate about the subjects they teach. Students at LLC say the center is like a second home. Many have been taking classes for years, and volunteer to help with the operation of the center. Members of the LLC community have a passion to explore questions, exchange ideas and share experiences.
The vision of Lifetime Learning Center is to build a community of lifelong learners, both students and teachers, who value intellectual curiosity and learning, social connection, and the sharing of life experiences.
The mission of Lifetime Learning Center is to promote successful aging and the social, cognitive, and physical well-being of older adults in the Puget Sound area through stimulating educational opportunities and lifelong learning.

"The past 14 years at LLC have been immensely rewarding, allowing me to continue what I knew from my freshman year in college was the only career I would ever want. The perfect gig for an old guy like me!”
–Michael Shurgot / Instructor / Literature